Vicarious liability for wrongful acts of employees of charitable and nonprofit organizations

The law in Canada recognizes two basic approaches for somebody who has suffered damages to sue the person who caused the damages - contract law and tort law. In the case of contract law, two parties have come to an...

Directors’ failure to meet the standard of care will result in personal liability

Unlike the incorporating statutes for business corporations, there has been little statutory reform to bring the non-profit incorporating statutes into the 20th century, much less the new millennium. The standard of care, in general, for directors of non-profit corporations is...

CRTs offering great potential, but awaiting clarification from hesitant Canada Customs & Revenue Agency

In Canada the charitable remainder trust has, until recent years, been virtually unknown. The United States, however, has been so taken by the concept that the most common form of a planned gift there, with the exception of a bequest,...

Financial responsibilities of not-for-profit boards

Roles and Responsibilities The management of an organization's finances is one of the least understood, yet most important responsibilities of a board member. This responsibility is on two levels - as an individual board member and as a board collectively....

Registering your nonprofit trademark

While one trade-mark application can cover both wares and services, you must file a separate application for each trade-mark. The basis of your application will be to cover existing use, proposed use, use and registration abroad, or making the mark...

Charities should protect their trademark asset

An essential part of every charity, trade-marks can be lost if they are not properly protected. If your organization wants to avoid the possibility of losing its trade-marks or trade-mark rights by default, it must be proactive. In fact, contrary...

Charities have a major responsibility under the criminal code

Charities are hunting for new income sources due to the fierce competition for donor dollars. Government funding, door-to-door and telephone canvassing, and direct-mail solicitation are losing their punch. Many charities have taken advantage of the opportunity to build their revenues...