Team-building exercises are simply tools used to create solidarity in a group - to allow group members to know each other better, and to have a fun experience as a team. These exercises can be used in a variety of...
What is a mission statement? According to Bain & Company, mission statements are one of the most frequently used management tools. Organizations spend thousands of hours and dollars developing mission statements and then more resources again on public relations to...
Royal Bank and Bank of Montreal. Telus and BC Tel. Loblaws and Provigo. Corporate mergers are daily news. The trends of the New Economy, such as globalization, technological developments, increased competition and diminishing revenues, have incited merger mania in the...
"We have not passed that subtle line between childhood and adulthood until we move from the passive voice to the active voice - that is; until we have stopped saying "It got lost", and say, "I lost it." - Sydney...
Why does the nonprofit sector exist? Why is it necessary, if it is? Why does it perform certain roles? Why should we support it as an element of a civilized society? These fundamental questions have been nagging scholars who attempt...
Too many boards are micro-managing the affairs of nonprofit organizations to the frustration and discouragement of the staff involved. Often, instead of recruiting high calibre executives well-experienced in running a substantial business, boards tend to rationalize their hands-on behaviour by...
Successful fundraising is always a team effort, and according to Del Staecker, who presented a session entitled Team Building and Conflict Resolution at the recent NSFRE International Conference, there are a number of common team characteristics; the need for identity,...
Competitive or collaborative? Where do you stand on the continuum between these two opposites? How aggressive are you in asserting your organization's predominance in the community? How willing are you to work collaboratively with other organizations to achieve a common...
In April 1999, a brief survey of selected members of NSFRE, Vancouver Chapter, was conducted on organizational and personal change readiness and change leadership capabilities. The survey was designed to provide some interesting facts and insights as part of a...