Giving thanks: How an exceptional thank you is critical for retaining your donors

Etiquette guru Emily Post might advise that it’s never wrong to send a written thank you, but a surprising number of nonprofits and charities forget this simple courtesy — or do it badly — without recognizing the consequence to the...

The Raiser’s Edge Revealed: Tips for new users

Ah, The Raiser’s Edge - that pillar of software that commands our fundraising lives. For most of us, the mere mention of it can send us into panic mode, triggering a grimace of frustration, anger or despair. Heralded for its...

Hidden Heroes: Why it’s time to focus on your everyday donors

Start by listening Almost a decade ago, my colleagues at Good Works and I conducted the first-ever quantitative research study of direct mail donors in Canada. We surveyed 500 Canadian direct mail donors who had made two or more gifts...

Increasing donor loyalty through delight

For nonprofit organizations, it’s major (or planned) donors that contribute significant revenues. Securing a major donor, however, often requires stewardship through the donor pyramid, which in turn, requires loyalty. Loyalty is important because it is a major contributing factor to...

Fundraising Q&A: Re-engaging monthly donors

Last month we looked at how to renew lapsed donors and I said stay tuned for more information on how to re-engage monthly supporters. That said, these donors are less likely to lapse than annual donors and usually have contributed...

Deconstructing Philanthropy: 7 ideas to help you create inspired donor thank yous

As fundraising professionals, we all know that we need to thank our donors. What most of us don’t realize is that our donors already know what kind of thanks, beyond a standard acknowledgement, would be most meaningful. The best thank...

Fundraising Q&A: Donor recognition and stewardship

We want to improve our donor recognition and stewardship programs. What would you recommend? Thanks for your question; you have chosen one of my favourite topics because it's an area that can make or break your fundraising efforts. I've often...

You can’t mine what you don’t have! Collecting and storing your donor data

The art of fundraising is largely based on the relationships a charity builds with its donors. Some relationships may be less developed than others, but have potential as a fundraiser works to know their donors better in order to gain...

New research shows dos and don’ts of fundraising

Despite still being very much in recovery-mode from the economic turn-down, research reveals that a surprising 66% of donors could be inspired to give more generously this year. But, they have some specific requests from the nonprofits they support. The...

Listen and learn: Marketing your planned giving program

They say that two things in life are certain - death and taxes - and planned giving deals with both. At first glance, the idea of marketing planned giving programs might appear to require a certain degree of delicacy. After...