How to measure the progress of your planned giving program

Measurement It is not unusual for organizations to eagerly establish planned giving programs only to back away from them a few years later as the board of directors looks for more immediate and tangible fundraising successes. The problem is often...

Planned giving relationship tracking

Why Track? It’s a familiar refrain, “I’m too busy with my fundraising activities to make notes about my donor interactions!” or “It would take hours out of my week if I had to record everything I do!” Too often fundraisers...

Writing planned giving policies: What and why

Policies Polices are simply a list of dos and don’ts that your organization (staff and volunteers) will adhere to. Written policies need to be in place at the outset of the establishment of a planned giving program, to guide and...

Benefits and issues arising from a gift for endowment

Benefits of a gift for endowment Benefits to the charity 1. Endowment funds provide financial stability Endowment funds provide a predictable stream of income. Providing a base upon which present programs can be built, and making long-range planning possible, endowment...

Endowment funds: An overview

The handmaiden of planned giving programs Endowment funds are often referred to as the future lifeblood of any charity, and the handmaiden of a planned giving program. Providing for the long term financial success of the organization, they are also...

The donor life cycle: Life stages and resulting opportunities

Closely associated with age, the concept of 'life stages' provides important insight to the marketing of planned gifts. This concept is of particular importance to gift planners because planned giving is very much a type commitment. There are certain times...

Gifts of life insurance

Life cycle Gifts of new life insurance policies are usually targeted at middle to upper income donors in the 40-55 age group. In this age group, it is common to have individuals who have not yet built their asset base,...

Life Insurance: A Gift Overview

A gift of life insurance presents donors with an opportunity to make a significant future gift to benefit a charity, while enjoying current and/or future tax savings. It is an economical way to give a larger and more lasting gift...

Getting them to give for tomorrow – today

In the book, Fundraising for Nonprofit Groups, fundraisers Joyce Young, Ken Wyman, and John Swaigen offer what is probably one of the most direct and easiest to understand definitions of planned giving: "If a person gives you money now that...

Bridging the gap between organizations and allied professionals

There's always been a connection between the nonprofit sector and professionals like lawyers, financial planners, insurance agents, and accountants, but usually it's been at the board of directors' level. There is, however, a small but growing association between nonprofits and...