Low Entropy Foundation

Entropy is the measurement of disorder. A chaotic and disorderly state can be said to have high entropy, whereas an efficient, harmonious state—a state of stability, order, and balance—is considered a low entropy state.

This is why we’ve taken up a mission as the Low Entropy Foundation. We strive to reduce the entropy in our social system to nurture a more loving, respectful humanity—a caring, global family that supports and cares for one another.

 At Low Entropy, we understand that real change starts from within; when we seek compassion & emotional intelligence for ourselves, we extend this low entropy state to the wider world around us.

Open Positions at Low Entropy Foundation

Magazine Article Writer

Low Entropy is a registered charity that makes personal development accessible to all and provides people with tools to change themselves and the world.

Blog Writer

Write for the Low Entropy Blog!

Community Connector

Low Entropy empowers a kinder, gentler and more compassionate world a loving humanity that supports and cares for one another and making personal development accessible to all. In doing so, providing people with tools to change themselves and the word.

Driver Position: Monday Food Pick-Up and Delivery Driver

Your Monday mornings can turn into a lifeline for families, delivering not just food, but a message of care and community support. Be the change, be the driver of hope for families in need. Help us to make a difference in our community. Join our team today and make a positive impact!

Board Member

Join our Board of Directors to make a difference in the community

Homlessness Outreach Supporter

To extend a helping hand and an empathetic ear to the homeless community, fostering relationships built on trust and understanding.

Thrift Store Supporter

We are looking for enthusiastic and friendly volunteers to support us in person to operate our thrift store.

Food Hamper Delivery Drivers (Maple Ridge)

Volunteer as a driver to deliver food hampers to individuals and families in need.

C.A.R.E Program – Food Sorters (Maple Ridge)

Help our community! Sort food and assemble food hampers to be distributed to under-resourced individuals and families.

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