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Call for Expressions of Interest – Executive Director, Canadian Dam Association / Appel à la Manifestation d’intérêt – Directeur(trice) Général(e), Association canadiienne des barrages

The CDA is seeking Expressions of Interest from individuals to serve as the CDA’s Executive Director. The CDA will accept proposals that involve full- or part-time employment, independent contractors, or association management companies. L’ACB sollicite des expressions d’intérêt pour occuper le poste de directeur(trice) général(e). L’ACB acceptera les propositions impliquant un emploi à temps plein ou à temps partiel, des entrepreneurs indépendants et/ou des sociétés de gestion d’associations.

Social Media Manager

We are looking for a digital campaigner who can plan and execute cutting-edge campaigns and contribute their expertise to results-oriented strategy discussions. Our goal is to empower nature-lovers across Canada to take action for the wildlife and wild spaces they value.