Human Resources Q&A: Providing references

I am often asked to be a reference for staff or to provide a reference letter. Recently I was asked to provide a reference for a staff member who was difficult to work with. Should I be careful about what...

Human Resources Q&A: Workplace wellness and emotional intelligence

In my workplace stress is a real issue. "Do more with less" has become the unspoken mantra, while organizational leaders are still touting the title of being "a great place to work". I and other managers are seeing our staff...

Human Resources Q&A: An inappropriate Facebook post

I was recently surfing Facebook and saw that a former staff's page not only implied they still worked at this organization, but wildly inflated their job title. What can the organization do? I am always surprised to hear that people...

Human Resources Q&A: Making performance management easy

The question: I am the ED for a large nonprofit organization and have been with the organization a few years now. It has always been on our schedule to conduct performance reviews, however, I have yet to get to it. For...

Human Resources Q&A: Manager lacks leadership skills

My manager was promoted because she was great at her job in getting donations from major donors. But now that she's our director of fundraising we're finding she's a terrible staff manager: she micromanages, doesn't provide support, provides direction on...

Human Resources Q&A: Countering workplace conflict

Conflict in my workplace has been creeping up more often. I am not comfortable with conflict. Do you have any helpful tips? Workplace conflict is inevitable, since people have different perspectives on situations. When emotions and perceptions are left unchecked...

Human Resources Q&A: A micro-managing employee

Hi, I was happy to see the article on dealing with difficult co-workers , but what if you are the boss and an employee is micro-managing and interfering constantly? In this case, the person does not want to be the...

Human Resources Q&A: Making hiring decisions easier

I have been working with the same organization for some time. We have a tight team and have always included our team members as a part of the hiring committee. One of our new members recently asked about our hiring...

Human Resources Q&A: Dismissing an employee

I have been in management roles for years, however I have never gotten used to letting someone go. It is always a difficult task for me. I will be faced with this task again in the next few months; do...

Human Resources Q&A: Electronic onboarding

I have heard that some organizations are using e-learning as a way to introduce new hires to their jobs and learning within the workplace (on-boarding). How does this work? What are the benefits? Many organizations we have worked with have...