Human Resources Q&A: What’s in a brand?

I've recently heard it said that an organization's brand should be reflected throughout all levels of the organization. Can you explain how branding should be incorporated into HR practices? Each of us, through our association with the organizations we represent,...

Human Resources Q&A: Teams by design

Can you explain why teamwork within an organization is so valuable? What's the best approach for making teamwork successful?  A team, simply defined, is a group of individuals with complementary skills assembled to complete or achieve a task or a...

Human Resources Q&A: Improving customer service

Our customer satisfaction surveys have been rating low for some time now. When we first noticed this, the organization introduced customer service training for all of our staff. Our staff express that they are more friendly and patient with clients...

Human Resources Q&A: Why is diversity important?

In your last article you listed several areas of HR where managers should receive training. Included in the list was diversity. Why is it important that managers receive diversity training? As organizations are serving more diverse populations and are hiring...

Human Resources Q&A: What managers and supervisors need to know about HR

We are planning to train our managers in HR, what are some of the key areas you recommend we cover? Most supervisors and managers have some human resources responsibilities built into their job. While it is true that each organization...

Human Resources Q&A: Reducing conflict between staff and volunteers

Our volunteers are an important and integral part of our organization and we have had many of them over the years. The trouble is, our staff and volunteers often clash. What can we do to improve relations between the two?...

Human Resources Q&A: Why managers should encourage staff to take vacations

Why should managers care whether employees take their vacation time? Isn't it up to the employee to make sure they taking the time they need? Vacation time is a time for rest and renewal, giving workers the opportunity to refresh...

Human Resources Q&A: When it’s time to run for the hills

I've been hired for a new short-term job that doesn't start for a couple of months. Since I verbally agreed to take the role, I have been receiving a flurry of emails, some of which ask me to create documents...

Human Resources Q&A: Use active listening techniques to strengthen relationships

One of my goals this year is to improve my communication skills. Do you have any tips to help me with this? One of the biggest differences between good communicators and poor communicators is the ability to listen. Most of...

Human Resources Q&A: I’m afraid my job is at risk

My employer just asked me to complete a questionnaire about my job. Some of my answers will show that the job isn’t conducted the way it was several years ago when I started and I am concerned that my job...